Comment réussir votre film en 3d relief ?
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08.05. Hypothesis 3D Movie Theater & 3D effects

Hypothesis : 3d theater parameters :

3D screen width : 12 m Theater width : 28 m Theater depth : 30 m

. First row located 7 m from the screen . . Middle row located 18 m from the screen . . Last row located 30 m from the screen

. 3 viewers with different D.I.O. :

. Child : 48 mm, Average : 63 mm, Adult : 70 mm Viewers localization : first, middle or last row

Hypothesis : 3d parameters

Homolog points of two bels are located at the middle of the screen, (width and heigth), one bell « out of the screen », the other bell « Behind the screen »

Horizontal disparity with negative parallax : 146 mm corresponds to a « out of the screen » effect about 70%, for a viewer with D.I.O. 63 mm

Horizontal disparity with positive parallax : 48 mm corresponds to a maximum « Behind the screen » effect for a child with D.I.O 48 mm, before divergence.

3D effects inside 3D Movie Theater :

Average audience (with D.I.O. 63 mm) see this object from middle row ( 18 m)

« Out » effect seems to be localized 12,80 m in front of the screen « Behind » effect seems to be localized 74,60 m behind the screen

Spatialization of two bels sounds is based on the hypothesis above. (Average)

Questions :

Where we perceive 3D Images from another location ?

Where we perceive 3D Images with different D.I.O. ?

Close our eyes and listen to the sound of the bell, jumping « out of the screen » :

Where we localize the sound of the bell ? Without dedicated 3D headphones, we localize sound in the middle of the theater, its intended for the average audience...

IOut of the screen effect inside 3D Movie Theater

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